Surprised girl with spoon


Local fresh eggs

Kaimai Eggs

at stand


The secret to good eggs - happy hens!

Kaimai Eggs is an established family farm nestled in the biodiverse native bush of the Kaimai Ranges. Their happy hens are left to do what they do best – scratch, dust bathe, and forage for grubs and insects - and produce some of the tastiest free range and barn eggs in New Zealand.

Free range chickens at Kaimai Eggs

All eggs from Kaimai Eggs are single origin, which means the eggs in the carton you take home are guaranteed to be laid, packed and delivered directly from their family farm just west of Tauranga to your pantry.

Every morning the tam carefully collect and grade the fresh eggs into size - from the tiny first eggs to the super-jumbos! Each carton is then quality checked before being closed and packed for delivery.

Kaimai Eggs quality control New Zealand

You may have seen or heard of Otto's Eggs throughout the years, and the same great quality and care is being packed into the new Kaimai Eggs cartons. Since 2011, Otto McGirr and his family have proudly produced fresh free range and barn eggs for the local community - so you know your eggs aren't travelling for miles.

A great chicken makes a great egg - it's that simple. The welfare of their hens is their focus so their 'girls' can focus on laying lovely eggs. Kaimai Eggs are committed to providing the very best eggs which come from the happiest hens.

Otto and the family team at Kaimai Eggs
Some of the faces behind the scenes: Owner Otto, his daughter Karlene and her partner Jim

Stocked throughout local supermarkets, Kaimai Eggs are packed daily and delivered direct to store so you have the freshest eggs for your next breakfast or when you bake up a storm!

Kaimai Eggs website