Surprised girl with spoon

1pm Saturday

Live Cooking Kitchen


Catch Amber from Symbiota in the Live Cooking Kitchen at 1pm on Saturday 24th August 2024.
Note: These details refer to the 2024 show. We are now working on our 2025 lineup.
Sauerkraut course Symbiota

Making sauerkraut at home

The ultimate guide to making delicious, healthy fermented sauerkraut at home!

Learn the traditional techniques of making sauerkraut, as well as creative and innovative recipes to try.

About Symbiota

Fermenting made easy.
Eating fermented foods can have powerful effects on your gut health which is the basis of our overall physical, emotional and mental well-being. Symbiota products have been specifically designed to make fermentation fun, hygienic and successful.
Symbiota is the home of premium fermentation equipment, including live and active probiotic cultures, ceramic crocks, home-based kits, and stainless steel utensils.  The Symbiota product family is designed to safely use natural fermentation to make Kombucha, Kefirs, Yoghurts, Sourdoughs, Sauerkrauts, Kimchi, Vinegar, and more.